Thursday, March 13, 2008

Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?

Choices, choices, choices.........

There's a part of me that's just sick and tired of SO MANY. Just this morning on the Today show, they were discussing -- yet again -- how to create another career after 50. What if I don't want another career? What if I'm done with careers? Will making me feel guilty about not having one motivate me more to find one? I doubt it. I'll just feel guilty. I'd much rather just feel satisfied and content. Why can't they do a show on how to achieve THAT?

It takes a lot of energy, thought and time to filter through all the crap that swirls around to get to the "good stuff". And then, by the time you get there, more options have usually cropped up and the process starts all over again. It's enough to make you want to find the nearest version of Walden Farm and camp out for as long as you can.

Except for a couple of things that sounds like a good option. One, I'm definitely not the camping out type; I like LOTS of hot water and a really good mattress. And two, I'm positive that after several days of "simple silence", I would be bored out of my mind. I mean, you can only gaze at wildlife, knit sweaters, read books and think DEEP THOUGHTS for just so long. I don't know about the rest of you, but sooner or later I need a little more stimulation and one or two really nice single malt Scotches. I guess I could always take the Scotch with me to the wilds, but where would that lead me? An old drunk broad with lots of scarves.........

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